How To Feel Attractive In Your Own Skin
Do you feel attractive?
Or ugly and fat?
A woman who doesn’t like her body, doesn’t feel comfortable about some parts of her body has that energy around her and doesn’t matter how much she beautifies herself, how well she dresses or how much make up she puts on, she still will have that unattractive and maybe even repulsive energy, depending on how big her dislike of her body is.
To become attractive and radiant is an inside job.
We need to change our beliefs about our bodies before we can convince anyone else that we are loveable and sexy.
What does it mean to stand in full partnership with ourselves? To fully love ourselves?
We all care about our environment, right?
We recycle, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and pick up rubbish on the beach. But do you know that when we don’t take care of our bodies it shows up in the world by destroyed rainforest, polluted oceans and rivers, and extinct animals?
Our relationship with our physical bodies is our relationship to the physicality of life, to our planet. To change our consciousness around respect for nature we need to start respecting and appreciating our bodies.
Our bodies are nature.
And our happiness depends on our relationship with our body.
Quite often I hear people choose to stay in a wounded child or victim archetype, saying things like: “Well, my parents are responsible for me not loving my body. The media is responsible for me hating my body; I can’t do anything about it. I don’t have time to take care of myself.”
And then they go on judging companies that pollute oceans and feel righteous about it.
But hey, why are we polluting our bodies with junk and judgements? Are we really that much more conscious than greedy profit-focused CEOs?
Aren’t we greedy for that perfect slim body and don’t appreciate the present and what we have? Isn’t it time we stop this victim story, take full responsibility for our attitude towards our bodies and actively change our relationship?
Let’s change this gruel story!
By loving our bodies, we are loving our planet and affirm the beauty and diversity of life.
Now, think of a part of your body that you don’t feel comfortable with, you don’t really like, the part that you feel insecure about.
It maybe because of your age, your height, your weight, stretch marks.
Feel into that part and see if any emotions come up when you connect to that part of your body.
What do you make this part mean about you?
‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not loveable’, ‘I’m inferior’, ‘others are better, more beautiful’.
Feel it and let the answer come.
Now connect to the part of your body that you feel grateful to.
Maybe it’s your breasts that nourished your children so well, maybe it’s your hands that can do so many things and are so gentle.
Maybe it’s your legs that take you to places and allow you to explore the world.
Connect to that part and breath into it.
And now, from this place of gratitude, ask yourself:
- What is my deeper truth?
- Who I am really?
- What is my truth?
Maybe it’s
‘I’m a sensual, sexy woman’, ‘I’m loveable’, ‘I’m here to give and receive love’, ‘I’m a desirable woman’.
Find your truth that doesn’t depend on any part of your body. Because the energy that we hold in our bodies is so much more than separate parts.
The ultimate potential of the body is to create a place where love, bliss and joy can happen.
So what is your deeper truth? Who are you really?
Let me know what you find out! I’d love to hear from you!
To you passionate and fulfilling life!
With a hug,
Need help feeling radiant? Let’s talk! email tarisha@radiantwoman.co.nz to apply.
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