My Body is a Gift How do you feel about your body? Feeling great about our body is a big deal. My happiness depends on my relationship with my body. This is the relationship I choose to ... READ the POST
9 Reasons Why Dieting Fails
9 Reasons Why Dieting Fails… And What to Do Instead Do Not Go on Another Diet Until You Read This. It's the Diet That Fails, Not You! I’ve been there. I tried dozens of diets. Nothing ... READ the POST
My Journey to Becoming a Radiant Woman
My Journey to Becoming a Radiant Woman Becoming a radiant woman. Well, yes, that’s what I offer to other women. That’s what I teach. Me? Me becoming a radiant woman? Wow, ... READ the POST

The most essential tip to have more intimacy
Hi Beautiful, You can only change your relationship if you take full responsibility for it. I hear so often that women start to blame their partner, he’s that and he does that and doesn’t do ... READ the POST